Monday, July 27, 2009


another duality,
which takes you away from frugality,
you feel the pain,
and shed tears in vain,
why to cry and let be your heart so dry,
dry enough that you can not bear the pain,
and your mind so weak that orders your eyes to rain.
I am above my mind,
& want to take time to be kind,
Wanna unleash,
Want my heart to stop screech,
It is dark and in the stilness of graveyard,
I can hear someone calling,
Someone sobbing,
calling my name,
someone telling that someone,
is burning a not-so-dead dame!


I want to write,
till the moment everything is not right,
Till that moment,
I want to give it a tight fight.
I want to write,
till the moment my mind is not free,
There lies soemthing which doesnt sets me free,
I am fearful,
what may spring up,
I dont want to be weak,
and i choose not to tweak,
I dont want to be helpless,
and i need no ones caress,
I dont want to repent,
and i dont want brood over the time spent,
I have the courage,
and this is no mirage,
I have the courage to dream,
may be i dont end up in the cream,
i just want to rise,
from the fear of wrong and right,
may be its wrong,
may be its right,
i understand it to be just as a matter of time.


Hours of mindless wander,
& the flow of water,
Stream gushing in a hole,
Deep away from soul,
Millions offshooting to a single goal,
enough is the reason to be a glory hole.

Infinite seeds intersects,
tried and tested paths have huge personal impacts,
why do we get swept away,
risk of danger works out one's way.

Incomplete....Without you everything is incomplete.


Bliss is my life,
bliss is my fate,
bliss is when i am upto date.

Longing for happiness,
Thinking that I am living in pain,
Soaring for dreams high enough,
to reach there is not a plain.
Bliss is in thinking,
that I will rise from my slumber,

Up with my sleeves,
and i will let my hair fall,
i will not worry,
that i will loose or fail,
I will run for my dreams,
and dreams will run for me.

I just wanna do,
and i dont care if i screw,
it will be my destiny,
and it will be me.

Lazy or coward,
Free or debted,
Lost or famous,
I will be me,
and to know myself will be a bliss.